Monday, June 2, 2008


Ok so here it is...I'm back on the low carb diet again, which means only carbs one meal a day. By carbs, I mean bread, rice and high carb foods. I don't mean carrots, fruit or yogurt. I tried that one time and did not last too long. I love fruit and can't believe that some "diets" ask you not to eat fruit. Anyways the reason for the change-up is that I've slipped into "oh I've done so well, I can have this, I'm going to exercise tomorrow"! Last night, eating my second bowl of ice cream, I realized that I'm going to gain back every pound I've lost if I don't pull it together.

So this morning, because I was away visiting family all weekend, I had a coffee and low fat muffin for breakfast. Morning snack yogurt and 1/4 cup of berries. Lunch was veggies and fruit cup. Dinner tonight was brussel sprouts, palm size piece of steak and 1/2 cup of noodles. Tomorrow I have to go grocery shopping to pull this all together.

On the exercise front, things are going well. I'm looking forward to the summer so that I have more time to workout. Right now I have 60 mins max for gym time before work, usually its 45 mins. Since I have my summers off, I plan on 90 mins a day plus a new activity--maybe golf?


Trisha J. said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Good luck on the low carb. I too try and cut out the "unnecessary" carbs, as I call them. I struggle mostly with what I eat as well, not so much working out. Hope it works out for you.

Big Girl said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's so nice to find new readers and read about them. This is my first time to your site so I'm excited to get reading.

Good luck in your low-carb diet.

Alli said...

I am tryin gto do the sam ething with my carbs. Its tough but you know I think my body burns the fat better when it doesnt have to burn through all that bread. hehe.