Monday, April 28, 2008

The damn scale...curses, curses, curses!

Ok so I know that I'm not suppose to be a slave to the scale. Just eat well and exercise. Well I have been (for the most part) eating healthy and I've been going to the gym 5 times a week for the last 6 weeks. I'm down 6 lbs since Feb. 6! WTF! If my friends tell me "it's muscle" one more time, I'm going to scream. Yes my size 22s are feeling loose now, yes my body looks different to me when I gaze at myself naked in the mirror (ok probably TMI) and yes I see a body shape emerging but c'mon! The scale has got to move! Am I destined to be at 250lbs forever? I lost the first 37 pounds in 3 months and now, nothing! I don't want to give up or anything like that but I like to be rewarded for the hard work I'm doing.


CouchPotatoAtHeart said...

Oh, I sympathise with the stuck scales. It's even more annoying if you're doing everything right. It may be time to give that scale a good talking to.

Carolyn said...

I had the same thing happen to me. My advice is going to sound retarded, bu tit worked for me.
Eat more.
Drink more milk, eat more cheese, etc. With WW, Eat just a little less calories tahn what you've burned, but do eat more than you normally would in a day. It WILL HELP, I promise. Then the next week, eat the same as normal, week 3, eat more cals. It keeps your metabolism guessing. Right now, it's thinking, "HOLD ON TO EVERYTHING; WE DON"T KNOW WHEN THE NEXT FOOD WILL COME!!!"
Trust me. I laughted at my leader when she told me that, but the week after, I had a 3lb loss. :D
Keep Trucking chickie!